Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Welcome to Glass Half Full

I live by the mantra, "If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all".

Your momma said it when you were 5, and guess what, SHE WAS RIGHT.

That pearl of majestic wisdom is the inspiration for my new blog, "Glass Half Full Reviews".

Yes, I will be reviewing various media pieces, whether it be Movies, TV Shows, etc. or even videogames or Hardware, i.e. iPhone stuff. Whatever I feel like, essentially.

In these reviews, I won't pine over those "negative" remarks that make reviewers seen as such pessimists. Why bother? We all know that the purpose of reviews for the reviewers is to bitch, moan, and be all elitist about things they consider themselves experts in.

The purpose of reviews for the reader? More often than not, it is to justify a purchase they are going to make and regret, or possibly have already made and need some sort of validation for. I am your validation. I am the elixir to rectify your regret. If regret and validation were twins, I would separate them and put them into different orphanages while at the same time making sure they are never adopted.

That being said, I will have an almost arbitrary rating system on things I review.

Things will either be full, 3/4 full, 1/2 full, 1/4 full or yet to be filled.

Hopefully I will have a neat graphic to go along with this, but don't count on it.

Anyway, that's it for my inaugural post. Stay tuned to see my reviews in action. Oh, and if any fancy movie folks want to send along free passes to any of your shows, lemme know, I promise to be nice.


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