Peruse it here.
This web page has QUITE the flash intro. The color choices are extremely pleasing to the eye first of all. Purple is a majestic color, and therefore I immediately get the impression I am at a King's website, one I shouldn't even be looking at with my peasant eyes! This is exciting for me, and instantly intrigues me on a deep and emotionally complicated level.
Additionally, the purple isn't a bright gay homo purple like people of a homosexual variety might put as the main color of their homosexually-themed websites. Excellent decision darkening the color so as not to confuse people!!!
Now let's discuss the Flash intro itself. The simplicity, first of all, should be applauded right away. This isn't a website for the Cirque De Soleil, so a busy, colorful, ridiculous flash intro would be totally the WRONG way to go. Unlike other websites, this flash represents the core fundamentals of the company it is for: professional, classy, welcoming, and not overdone.
The choice to have the two lines meet, then to have the vertical line disappear into oblivion while the horizontal one remains is fantastic symbolism probably only noticeable by the most educated flash enthusiasts! The horizontal line, of course, represents the Public Relations portion of the company. Once it comes onto the scene it will stay there and support you the entire stretch of the way. It is the public face which stays, unchanging in spite of all that is happening around it.
The vertical line is, naturally, the Marketing portion of the company. It appears as a flash then fades off into the outer boxes of our imaginations. It still exists, but remains in the back of our minds silently influencing our everyday thoughts and actions.
The lines of course meet up, showing the relationship between the two fields, then go off in their own intended directions to accomplish what they do best.
Pure genius. Clearly, this flash creator needs to be commended!
Finally, probably my favorite part of the whole animation is the subtle but all too effective way in which the "Click to Enter" button appears in the bottom left, almost quietly enticing you to step further into this fantastic new world, yet not making it seem like you are being forced to. You don't have to click until you want to, after all. It's your life- they are just there to help you market it.. and.. relate to it.. publicly..
Anyway, due to the fantastic design choice, subtle but incredibly intelligent symbolism and design choices, and the fact that the creator is a very good friend of mine, I give the Flash Intro for http://fuscofour.com a full glass of delicious Adobe Flash juice. MMM.
1 comment:
OH come on! A stupid flash intro gets a full glass but Hot Fuzz is only a quarter as good?
Also when did it become 1994 again? Does this site also have animated gifs?
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